“I am my own sanctuary and I can be reborn as many times as I choose throughout my life.”

-Lady Gaga

I see you. Struggling the way I did. Overwhelmed and frustrated with the multiple areas of your health in life.

  • I see you overdoing it to the point of total exhaustion and have zero capacity to deal with life’s pressures

  • I see the struggle of doing everyday tasks because of pain and stiffness in your body 

  • I see the never-ending stress, pressure, and overwhelm

  • I see you going through the motions without the depth and connection you crave from relationships and work 

  • I see you stuck in your life with no clear purpose or direction for where you want to go

This does not have to be your path and struggle any longer!

I totally get it because I have had my own extensive wellness journey in my search for healing, wholeness, and purpose. I’ve had to seek, study, and invest in conventional and holistic alternative treatments to help me overcome: 

  • Burnout, chronic stress, pain, and fatigue 

  • Chronic complex PTSD, depression, and anxiety 

  • Traumatic Loss 

  • Medical mysteries and a heart condition

“The secret to change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”

-Joe Dispenza

Hi there! I’m Lynn!

I’m an Ayurvedic Wellness and Life Mastery Coach. I use Ayurveda to help chronically burnt-out and stressed women transform and rejuvenate their bodies, minds, and hearts so they feel refreshed and empowered to love and master their self, health, and life.

I know how discouraging it can be when there are so many things going wrong, and you feel like you can’t go on. Although I had a degree in integrative therapies, a toolbox of tools, and had sought multiple practitioners, I was still unable to get the help I needed for my unique needs in my physical, mental, and emotional health conditions.

I tried everything I could, but never found my true healing until I incorporated and embraced an Ayurvedic lifestyle and Western coaching and behavior modification techniques. 

Ayurveda became the missing link and the thing that tied all of the parts together in a cohesive way to treat my body, mind, heart, and life within one systemized approach! 

With Ayurveda I was able to:

  • Heal my body, get out of chronic burnout, stress, fatigue and pain

  • Heal my relationship with food and eat for my unique needs, health conditions, and goals 

  • Reconnect and discover myself and what I wanted and needed to get and stay happy and healthy

  • Balance my mind and emotions after trauma, loss, depression, and anxiety

  • Learn my body’s language and how to love and care for myself through my individualized self-care

  • Recharge my energy and restore my inner fire and motivation to discover, refine, and go after my soul’s purpose

Now that I am on the “other side of healing,” it is my mission to share this powerful and transformative work to empower other women to find what they need in their healing journey for lasting wholeness and peace. 

Fun facts about me:

  • My birthday is on Earth Day and I am all about protecting the Earth and helping build sustainable practices to save the Earth and uplift the people of the world 

  • I am fully committed to breaking generational cycles of trauma, abuse, poverty, and oppression in my family lineage, and to helping others do the same

  • I am a single mama to a beautiful Angel baby 

  • I am happiest when spending time with my family and friends

  • I love to create, make art, write, paint, collage, make jewelry, and up-cycling.

  • Lover of all music especially 90’s Hip Hop and Rap. In my previous life, I used to write songs.

  • I am a proud Nerd, lover of learning, and forever student! I love quantum psychics, psychology, personal development, spirituality, food/cooking, travel, and adventure! 

Professional BIO

Lynn Hanger graduated from Metro State University with a Bachelor of Health Science Education in Integrative Therapeutic Practice and a Minor in Human Services. In addition to her University education, she is professionally trained as an Ayurvedic practitioner, herbalist, life coach, bodyworker, yoga instructor, and Psych K practitioner. 

She has worked as a holistic health practicer since 2006 in various and evolving roles and modalities such as massage therapy, assisted stretching, yoga instruction, belief balancing, and Ayurvedic coaching and herbal medicine. Although she loves them all, she is most partial to the healing powers of Ayurveda because of the potential to activate all other modalities practiced!

In addition to teaching yoga, seeing private coaching and bodywork clients, Lynn works with the Ayurvedic Living School supervising students and serves as a Junior teacher for various topics of self-care and habit evolution.

Areas of specialty:

  • Rejuvenation practices- Ayurveda/Yoga 

  • Burnout, chronic stress, fatigue, pain, tightness

  • Mental and emotional balance with body-based practices 

  • Women Health

  • Gut health 

  • Identity, self-love, and acceptance 

  • Life purpose

  • Ayurvedic lifestyle/business optimization

Learn more about Ayurveda here!

I’d love to help you heal your health and life! Speak with me to see what I can help you heal and transform!