• Ayurveda is a holistic medical system that treats and unites the body, mind, and soul.  Ayurveda considers the essential elements of all creation to be ether, air, fire, water, and earth.  The unique combination of these elements form our unique body type. Each person has all of the elements but in different proportions.

    Once you know your body type, you can choose foods, lifestyle, and herbs to suit your specific needs and avoid things that aggravate your constitution. 

    When we do not live according to our body type and the flow of nature, dis-eases can occur. Often, the symptoms we experience are signals from our body that tell us we are out of balance.

    If you know your body type and can interpret the symptoms of imbalance, it is possible to prevent and cure certain diseases.

    Ayurveda teaches us if we are not feeling blissful, connected, motivated, and excited about living our lives, then we are not truly healthy. Health is a combination of many factors and requires continual action to maintain, but if you know and act according to your unique body type, you empower yourself to accelerate and maintain success in your goals in every aspect of health and life.

  • A dosha is a combination of the essential elements that make up all of creation. The qualities that are present in each element will be present in the dosha and expressed uniquely in your body, mind, and emotions.

    Ether and Air = Vata Dosha

    Fire and a little Water= Pitta Dosha

    Water and Earth= Kapha Dosha

    It is possible to have 2 primary doshas or in some cases, one can be tridoshic and have a close tie between all three doshas. 

    The doshas can be influenced by our environment, climate, weather, foods, lifestyle, time of day, thoughts, emotions, and life experiences. Throughout our lives, we can get out of balance with our original body type, become toxic, and have excess or deficient doshas causing disease for our unique constitution.

    The closer we are to our balanced original body constitution the closer we are to health and our life purpose. The goal is to become the best-balanced version based on your unique strengths and unique challenges and we can do that by keeping the doshas in a state of balance.

  • Ayurveda uses the tools of diet, lifestyle, and herbs to bring the doshas, digestion, and the flow of life/prana into balance. When we eat according to our unique body type, digestive strength and aligned with the seasons, we reduce the daily accumulation of toxins and increase the ability to absorb and utilize incoming nutrition. 

    When we learn how to interpret the symptoms from our body, we can take the correct action to bring balance and decrease discomfort and disease in the body, mind, and emotions. Small actions can lead to significant results if you choose an action that aligns with your deeper need or imbalance.  Ayurveda’s long-term benefits compound over time, and it is suggested to practice consistently to enjoy the benefits.

  • It is the combination of an Ayurvedic practitioner and a life coach devoted to supporting your whole life from the health of your subtle energy, cells/tissues/organs, mind, emotions, spirituality, relationships, life purpose, and finances. 

    True health is the balance and optimization of all aspects of who we are and what we experience in this life.  If one is lacking it can influence the whole.  Life mastery consists of helping one take command of their health, energy, mind, emotions, time, purpose, and whatever they need to do to turn the dial and create the body and life they desire.

  • Is the study of scientifically proven methods that help change behavior for lasting change.  Sometimes knowing what to do doesn’t help you to actually do it.  To get the benefit from any therapeutic intervention consistency and maintenance ensure continued results. 

    This is weaved through the Rejuvenate coaching program to help you learn how to change your behavior and make lasting lifetime sustainable habit shifts that will get you to your goal and keep you on track in the long run.

  • Yes! Ayurveda is a beautiful complementary therapy. Make sure to communicate exactly what you are doing or any prescription medications you may be taking so things can be customized to support what you are doing.

  • It is our inner reserve that allows us to be happy and healthy.  When we have strong Ojas we have strong immunity, stable emotions, and mindset, we feel good, we feel happy, motivated, and have longevity as we age.

    Signs of low Ojas:

    *Feeling stressed out and burnt out

    *Exhaustion -physical/mental/emotional

    *Chronic pain

    *Lack of mental and emotional stability

    *Low immune system


    *Imbalance in hormones

    *Can’t filter self from others

    *Hypersensitive to stimulation/gets overstimulated easily

    *Needs a lot of time alone

    *Unable to sleep and feel rested

    *Prolonged bad attitude/mood/fear/overwhelm

    *Lack of self-esteem, confidence, faith, and purpose in life

    *General feeling of being unwell and unhappy

    The lower our Ojas, the lower our health and happiness.  We can build Ojas up with specific practices depending on your current condition. 

    Rejuvenate is a dedicated health and life coaching program designed to help you build Ojas up in your health and life for your unique considerations.

  • Your body has a specific timing of doing specific tasks at certain times of the day.  Just like the patterns of the sun and moon rising, the body has a specific rhythm that orders the functions of the cells, organs, and systems of the body. Living in balance and harmony with the natural rhythms of the body and nature, we can maintain and optimize health.  Out of balance, it can start a chain reaction of things not happening at the desired time and making a less than desired outcome creating disease in the body and your life. Problems that show up in digestion, sleep, hormones, blood sugar, temperature, metabolism, emotions and mind, energy regulation, immune system, and even cancer can be an indication there is an imbalance in the underlying biorhythms in the system.

    The doshas have certain times of day that govern specific functions of the body. Aligning our actions with what will keep us balanced during those times helps to reduce and prevent disease.

    In addition to living according to the times of day that would best serve the biorhythms and doshas, Ayurveda teaches we should live seasonally according to the state of nature in the climate we live.  Each season has unique challenges and benefits we can buffer and take advantage of if we live according to what will keep the elements balanced in each season.  Adapting to live seasonally helps our biorhythms and the balance of our doshas.

  • Is Ayurvedic #1 rejuvenating therapy to reduce vata, for the nervous system and the mind.  It is a practice where warm herbalized oil is poured on the forehead in a continuous drip for 15-45 minutes.

    Benefits of Shirodara:

    *Greatly reduces the vata dosha/stress in the nervous system

    *Tones the nervous system and encourages the parasympathetic nervous system to stay calm

    *It calms the mind

    *Supports deep sleep and insomnia

    *Supports renewing capacity and energy on the physical/mental/emotional levels

    *Supports relaxation

    *Supports reduction of emotions like anxiety, overwhelm, fear

    *Supports balancing the biorhythms in the body- hormones, circadian rhythms, stress responses, etc.

  • Rejuvenate is an Ayurvedic Roadmap to de-stress and create the foundations for lasting energy, wholeness, and longevity.  It provides a sanctuary for deep rest, relaxation, and renewal of health on all levels.  It is a health and life coaching program to accelerate the healing and connection of mind, body, and emotions.

  • The program is 6 months. If you want additional support, I offer ongoing membership options.

  • In month 1 Rediscover yourself and your symptoms through the Ayurvedic lens

    In month 2 Rebuild and refuel from the inside out with an Ayurvedic diet for your unique needs

    In month 3 Recharge your body/mind/emotions with individualized restorative practices

    In month 4 Recreate your life in sync with your natural biorhythms and the flow of life

    In month 5 Re-examine and re-envision how you are and where you want to go in life

    In month 6 Reclaim your life and purpose with strategic planning, systems, and support

  • Ayurveda can be for anyone, however, this program is specifically designed to rebuild you from the inside out and align your health and life to your deeper purpose and calling.  It is ideal for those who are:

    *Burnt-out, chronically stressed, and in positions where it is ongoing: Parents, professionals, entrepreneurs, non-profit workers, care providers, health care workers, teachers, caregivers, essential workers, students

    *Depleted and exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally

    *In chronic pain and tightness

    *Still not happy, whole, and living your purpose even after trying other Western or holistic modalities

    *Re-establishing your identity after a major life event

    *Complimentary support for those in traditional counseling, but not seeing results they want

    *Those feeling lost, without a clear direction/purpose in life, unsatisfied in life/career, and want work aligned with their deep purpose

  • *Intakes and assessments: Take a deep dive into the center of you to uncover and connect all of the parts.  See how the layers of physical, mental, emotional, soul, subtle, and social all connect and overlap to influence each other.  These intakes and assessments take a big picture view and deep microscopic view so we can determine the root cause of dis-ease and restore balance and the proper flow of life.  We look at both Western metrics of health and Ayurvedic factors to cover all of the bases.

    *Full health and history assessment

    *Ayurvedic constitutional exam

    *Ayurvedic functional exam

    *Ayurvedic sub-doshas assessment

    *Diet and Digestion assessment

    *Life and goals assessment

    *Unique Disease mapping- Get a personalized mapping of your imbalance to get to the root condition.  Learn the specific things you are doing that may be contributing to the formation of your condition.

    *Wellness Map: Get a personalized mapping of the specific things you need to do to reverse and support your unique condition.  Get a big-picture view of what is required to reach full healing and vibrancy and then a step-by-step plan to get there.

    *Individualized Ayurvedic treatment plan to include personalized plans for:



    -Seasonal Considerations for climate

    -Rejuvenation Practice

    *12 x One-on-one calls: Be supported every step of the way as you change, heal, and uplevel your life. The one-on-one calls are designed to ensure you will know who you are, what you need, be motivated to action, and reach your health and life goals.  Get personalized care, support, guidance, and education for your specific and unique needs.

  • Everything is customized to the individual therefore the price may range from person to person.  I offer one-on-one sessions as well as a coaching program. Schedule a clarity call to discuss your goals and what you need to restore your health and life.

  • Rejuvenate is a highly transformative health and life coaching program.  Due to the nature of this work, I only take on a small amount of clients each year so I can maximize the support I give to program participants.  One must schedule a clarity call to go over goals and see if Rejuvenate is the right fit before becoming eligible to participate.  If you are a good fit for the program you will be invited to join the  Rejuvenate program, if you are not a good fit we will brainstorm alternative options to help get you the support you need for your unique circumstance.